The 2024 International Radar Conference Award Committee and Technical Program Committee will present several awards, including official certificates and monetary prizes. All the prizes will be awarded during the gala dinner.

Best paper award

This Award honors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional scientific merit presenting a significant advance in radar. Eligibility requires the paper to be published in the Conference Proceedings and presented during the Conference in either an oral or poster session.

The best paper award is sponsored by ONERA and is endowed with 1500.

Best Young Scientist Paper Award

This Award honors a young scientist whose paper constitutes an excellent contribution to the field of radar. Two Best Young Scientist Paper prizes will be awarded. Eligibility requires the candidate to be the first author of the paper published in the Conference Proceedings, to be the major contributor to both the written paper and the results described in it, to effectively present the paper during either an oral or poster session, and to be under 35 years of age at the date of the Award. Detailed information concerning eligibility criteria will be required upon submission of the final paper.

The best young scientist award is sponsored by SONDRA and is endowed with € 1500.

Best Poster Award

This Award honors the author(s) of an outstanding poster presented during an interactive session of the Conference. Eligibility requires the paper to be published in the Conference Proceedings and presented during the Conference.

The best poster award is co-sponsored by INSA de Rennes and IETR Lab. Two prizes of € 500 each will be awarded.

Best Open-Source Experiment Award

This Award honors the author(s) of a paper based on experimental setup and data, and using open-source software and/or hardware platforms.

The Best Open-Source Experiment Award is co-sponsored by the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) and the GNU Radio project and is endowed with € 500.

AESS Warren D. White Award

Antonio De Maio

During the gala dinner, we will have the pleasure to reward the 2024 recipient of the AESS Warren D. White award.

The AESS Warren D. White Award recognizes a radar engineer for outstanding achievements due to a major technical advance (or series of advances) in the art of radar engineering. The advance, significant, public, and well known, shall be evidenced by technical papers, inventions, presentations, or products. The 2024 recipient is Antonio De Maio from University of Naples Federico II for « contributions to radar signal processing techniques for target detection, waveform design and electronic protection. »

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