Tuesday 22nd, October

Grand Auditorium

09:00 - Plenary Session [1/2]


Welcome session (Myriam NOUVEL, Rémy BAQUÉ, Jacques CLAVERIE, Stéphane KEMKEMIAN)


DGA – AID (Defence Innovation Agency) – Patrick AUFORT


ONERA (French Aerospace Lab) – Antoine GODARD


THALES (Land and Air Systems) – Pierre FOSSIER

10:25 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

11:10 - Plenary Session [2/2]

Chair : Florent CHRISTOPHE
Co-Chair :
Maria Sabrina GRECO


The SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) Mission – Technological and Scientific Breakthroughs – Roger FJØRTOFT (CNES)


Turning a few I/O commercial radar chipset at 77GHz into a 4D imaging radar using reconfigurable intelligent surfaces – Geoffroy LEROSEY (GreenerWave)

12:30 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

Le Carré

14:00 - Special Session: Artificial Intelligence for Radar

Chair: Frédéric BARBARESCO
Co-chair: Raed ZITAR


Towards Optimum Drones Track-to-Track Dynamic Fusion  Using  LSTM – Raed Abu Zitar


Radar/Optro Meta-sensor: Augmented Radar Tracking Performances by Adaptive Camera Resources Allocation – Maxence de Rochechouart


Enhancing Joint Probabilistic Data Association with LSTM-Based Clutter Filtering for Improved Radar Target Tracking – Esra Alhadhrami


Radar HRRP Open Set Recognition Using Hierarchical Prototype Learning – Yichen Liu


Highly Maneuvering Target Tracking with a Transformer Network – Christele Morisseau

15:40 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

16:10 - Special Session: Multistatic radar and radar networks

Chair: Detmer BOSMA
Co-chair: Philipp MARKITON


Ship-borne 3D ISAR Imaging – Elisa Giusti


Analysis on the Impact of a Clustered Multistatic Radar Network on Target Localization Accuracy – Detmer A. Bosma


Exploitation of man-made objects shadows in multi-perspective drone-borne based SAR images: preliminary experimental results – Ilaria Nasso


Bio-inspired Waveform in a Multistatic Configuration – Anthony Torre


Cognitive Approaches in Radar Network – Apostolos Pappas

Salle 3&4

14:00 - Cognitive Radar & waveform design

Chair: Antonio DE MAIO
Co-chair:Jonathan OWEN


A resource management approach for concurrent operation of RF functionalities – Pascal Marquardt


Distributed Quality of Service Multi-Sensor Resource Allocation Model – Hans Schily


Non-coherent Cognitive Technique For Frequency Selective Jamming – Massimo Rosamilia


Improving Doppler Robustness for Optimized Complementary FM Waveform Subsets – David Felton


Analysis of Spectrally Efficient Random FM Radar Waveforms – Jonathan Owen

15:40 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

16:10 - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (1)

Chair: Francesco FIORANELLI
Co-chair: Frédéric BARBARESCO


A Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network Based Target Detection Approach For Coastal Surveillance Radars – Bahadir Aybar


Investigating SAR Data Denoising: A Comparative Analysis of CNN Models with Multi-Channel Signal Processing Features – Chandana Panati


Classification of micro-Doppler signatures with the use of orthogonal moment-based features – Francesco Fioranelli


Radar Signal Denoising for ISAR Imaging Using Complex-valued Neural Network – Peter Sertdal


Synthesis of Through-Wall Micro-Doppler Signatures of Human Motions Using Generative Adversarial Networks – Kainat Yasmeen

Salle 5&6

14:00 - Weather Radar & OTH/HF Radar

Co-chair: Alexander YAROVOY


Key Challenges in True Multistatic OTH Radar Concepts based on HF-Radar in iFURTHER – Dominik Bok


Bistatic Denial for HF Skywave Radar – Stuart J. Anderson


Differentiating Tsunamis from Atmospheric-Induced Events Using Coastal High-Frequency Radars – Baptiste Domps


Application of Circular Statistics on the Weather Radar Doppler Spectrum – Wenyi Lu


Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Based on Millimeter Radar and Laser Disdrometer – Felix Yanovsky

15:40 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

16:10 - Antenna & front-end

Co-chair: Braham HIMED


Identifiability Analysis of Non-Integer Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Mixed (Strong and Weak) Signals – Md Waqeeb


Phase Synchronization of Distributed Array Radar based on Minimum Entropy Method – Bin Yang


ONERA Array Antenna Development in the CROWN Project: A Demonstrator for enhanced EM Multifunction Systems Operating at 6-18 GHz – Cédric Martel


Design and Implementation of an Agile L-Band Frequency Synthesizer for Modern Radar Systems – Mostafa Elsayed


Time-Modulated Array Based Linear Frequency Modulation Radar – Geon U. Kim

19:00 - Welcome Reception at the "hôtel de ville de Rennes"

Wednesday 23rd, October

Le Carré

Chair: Amir Hossein OVEIS
Co-chair: Ajeet KUMAR


Adversarial Perturbations in Pol-ISAR Image Classification: A Study on Explanation Consistency and Ensemble Learning – Amir Hosein Oveis


PolSAR Classification for Coastal Areas Using Neural Networks: A New Method – Shuaiying Zhang


Advancements in Space Object State Estimation During Constant Thrust Maneuver Using Distributed Sensor Networks: A Radar Based ApproachBhaskar Ahuja


Decimeter-resolution PolSAR image segmentation using Segment Anything Model – Xavier de Milly


Interpreting Oil-Spill Mapping DNN: A Case Study with Hybrid-pol SAR dataGopal Singh Phartiyal

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Special Session: SONDRA - France-Singapore Lab 20 years of collaboration in Radar

Chair: Stéphane SAILLANT
Co-chair: Heong Wann SEAH


Deep-learning Based Wall Mitigation Method for Through-the-wall Radar Imaging – Yanisse Boudrouz


VAE Latent Traversal for Radar Clutter Suppression – Alastair Hsi Wen Wee


Preserving polarimetric properties in PolSAR image reconstruction through Complex-Valued Auto-Encoders – Quentin Gabot


Multi-frequency GNSS monitoring and analysing the Ionospheric scintillation effects for L-band SAR – Pasumarthi Babu Sree Harsha


SAR time series for under canopy detection – Régis Guinvarc’h

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

13:40 - Special Session: Historical session

Chair: Marc LECONTE
Co-chair: Simon WATTS


Radar Prehistory – Hugh Griffiths


The AN/APS-20 radar in use with the British FAA and RAF – Simon Watts


Tests of the German Radar System in the Brest Harbour Area, in View of the Operation Cerberus (February 18, 1942) – Yves Blanchard


On the development of airborne radar in Italy and its evolution into the digital era – Federico Scannapieco


RDI, 1st French airborne pulse doppler radar – advances in digital processing – Marc JD Leconte

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

Salle 3&4

08:30 - Session: Drone detection

Chair: Fabiola COLONE
Co-chair: Jean-François DEGURSE


Real-Time Bistatic Noise Radar with Adaptive Beamforming – Martin Pär Ankel


Micro-Doppler Signature Classification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using FMCW Radar – Stephen Paine


FMCW Radar system for UAV tracking and identification by MDS recognition – Salvador Andres


Rotation rate estimation of dual propellers drones – Andrea Quirini

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Session: Passive Radar

Chair: Mateusz MALANOWSKI
Co-chair: Pierfrancesco LOMBARDO


Multistatic Data Fusion for GNSS-Based Air-to-Air Passive Radar – Alberto Arana Ragel


Target Localisation in Real Time for Non-Coherent Multistatic Passive Radar – Nathan Misaghi


First Results From Airborne Passive Radar Measurements And Aircraft Detection Exploiting Digital TV Broadcast Signals – Per-olov B Frölind


Protection of Critical Infrastructure using LTE450-based Passive Radar: Range Measurements for Drone Detection – Christian Steffes


Microdoppler Drone identification in DVB-T Passive Radar – Krzysztof S. Kulpa

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

13:40 - Session: Multistatic Radar & Radar Network

Chair: Faruk UYSAL
Co-chair: Elisa GIUSTI


Aspects of Operating Low-Cost Bistatic Radar Transmitters – Martin Pär Ankel


Aircraft attitude estimation using simultaneous monostatic and bistatic ISAR images – Fayin Yousfi


Joint Trajectory Optimization and Power Allocation for Target Tracking in Airborne Radar Network with Missing Data – Juan Hu


Minimum Redundancy Wavenumber Illumination for FDM MIMO spaceborne SAR Tomography – Stefano Tebaldini


Feasibility Study for a Multichannel Forward Scatter Radar Exploiting Amplitude-based Array Processing – Yihua Qin

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

Salle 5&6

08:30 - Session: Phenomenology: characterization and systems

Co-chair: Laurent FERRO-FAMIL


Over-the-horizon surface wave radar: from the maritime target point-of-view – Antoine Lugand


Radar electromagnetic scattering from a dihedron with a rough face – Prisca Le Dily


Numerical Analysis of the MM-Wave Scattering from Randomly Rough Surfaces – Alexander Yarovoy


SWALIS, KaRADOC and HOMARDS: a suite of airborne radars to support satellite earth observation missions – Stéphane Méric


SWOT Cal/Val Campaign based on the SWALIS airborne sensor. Comparaison of σ0 over the Rhine – Jean-Claude Kokou Koumi

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Session: MIMO Radar

Chair: Shannon BLUNT
Co-chair: Abigaël TAYLOR


Design Method of MIMO Subarrays Sparse Layout for Wide Aperture Radar Imaging – Yuxuan Bao


Joint Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Filter for Deceptive Jammer Suppression with FDA-MIMO Radar – Jiawei Qi


Investigation of a 3D MIMO TDM FMCW Radar – Sylvain Azarian


Unsupervised Learning for Forward-Looking MIMO SAR Reconstruction based on U-Net – Vahid Khorashadizadeh


An Estimation-Theoretic Approach to Joint Antenna Placement and Power Allocation in Colocated MIMO Radar – Abdollah Ajorloo

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

13:40 - Session: Simulation for Radar systems

Co-chair: Nicolas TROUVÉ


Ensuring simulation continuity in radar and electronic warfare simulation – Timothée Rouffet


High Performance Simulation of Spaceborne Radar for Remote Sensing Oceanography: Application to an Altimetry Scenario – Benjamin Camus


EMPRISE : Synthetic Environment for sensor design and virtual qualification – Nicolas Trouvé


Large-Scale SAR Image Simulation using EMPRISE® Software Compared to Real Image acquisitions with SETHI airborne Platform Over the Sainte-Marie-la-Mer countryside – Thomas Houret


Synthetic RAW data generator for ESA HARMONY mission – Goulven Monnier

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.




15:40 - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

15:40 – 16:30

RadarMOTR: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers on Range-Doppler Maps – Martin Dell

TS-SCAN: a Density-Based Clustering Method for Trajectory Analysis and Anomaly Detection – Léo Monnier

Searching Efficient Deep Architectures for Radar Target Detection using Monte-Carlo Tree Search – Noé Lallouet

Object Relevance for Radar Object Detection on Autonomous Driving Scenarios – Csaba Domokos

SAR-to-Optical Image Translation Using Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models – Jiang Qin

Noise Radar Waveform Design: Preliminary Results for a MOEA Approach – Afonso L. Sénica

A Machine Learning Approach to Helicopter Open set Classification based on Microdoppler Signatures – Pierrick Richard

Synthesizing SAR Images with Generative AI: Expanding to Large-Scale Imagery – Solène Debuysere

Federated Learning for Radar Systems – Sharing Knowledge without sharing Data – Simon Wagner

Deep Learning Assisted Radar Jamming Detection from Target Returns for Joint Radar Communication Systems – Zhengjia Xu

15:40 - Radar imaging

15:40 – 16:30

A Novel Radar Forward-Looking Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm on Moving Platform Based on Vortex Electromagnetic Wave – Pan Haoran

Experimental Results on Co-registration for Multitemporal ICEYE SAR Images – Lucas Pedroso Ramos

THz SAR Bistatic 3D Global Backprojection Algorithm with Phase Control – Yevhen Ivanenko

Generalized Polar Format Algorithm for imaging complex target motion – Mikaël Vermet

Microlocal Analysis of Multistatic Radar Imaging – David McMahon

Assessing Landslides Triggered by Earthquakes in Mila Northeast Algeria Using Small Baseline Time Series DInSAR Approach – Bouraoui Seyfallah

Change Detection in Polarimetric and Multilook SAR imagery using Stochastic Distance – Jean-Christophe Cexus

Soil Moisture Retrieval Based On Improved Change Detection Method Using Sentinel-1 Data – Hongbo LI

FOCALISATION: A Versatile and Efficient Tool for Raw Data Analysis and Radar Image Formation – Corentin Le Barbu

15:40 - Detection/estimation

15:40 – 16:30

Target range angle and velocity estimation method for FDA-MIMO radar – Keyi Wang

Velocity Filtering Based Track-Before-Detect With Range And Doppler Ambiguities in Doppler Radars – Liangliang Wang

Two-stage Bayesian Radar Signal Identification with Multidimensional Mixture Distribution Model – Yalin Wu

A DOA Estimation Algorithm with No Angle Ambiguity for SULA of FMCW Radar – Guidong He

Orbital Angular Momentum Based Monopulse Angle Estimation against Cross-eye Jamming – Shikang Li

Resolving Velocity Ambiguity via Virtual Error Compensation in Multi-Domain Coding Radar – Xiang Zhang

Differential Evolution algorithm to jointly estimate the target parameters in a MIMO OFDM DFRC system – Satwika Bhogavalli

Distributed Radar Target Detection with Doppler Channel Maximum Quantization – Fabing Dou

Low Probability of Interception Radar Signals Detection, Comparison of a YOLOv8 Model and a Conventional Signal Processing Method – Reihan K. Mazouz

High Accuracy DOA Estimation Based on Distributed 2D Nested Array – Hongyong Wang

15:40 - Advances in signal processing

15:40 – 16:30

Parameter Optimization of the BIC System Used in HFSWR to Improve Direction-Finding – Hongbo Li

Phase Correction Method for Coherent Processing of Quasi-coherent MIMO Radar Networks – Bin Yang

Iterative Capon Estimation for Saturated Forward Jamming Suppression with MIMO Radar – Xuan Fang

Adaptive Interference Mitigation for Time-Varying Narrowband Interference in Automotive CS radars – Masahiro Umehira

Experiments with Cognitive Micro-Doppler Radar: Detection of Aircrafts’ Micro-Doppler Signals with Varied CPIs and PRFs – Jiangkun Gong

Main-lobe Interference Suppression Algorithm Based on TF-RobustICA – Liangmei He

Collaborative Low-Altitude Air Traffic Control Under Communication Constraints in Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks – Xianzhe Xu

Self-Supervised SAR Image Denoising Method for Ship Target Detection – Haoxuan Yuan

Salle 3&4

16:30 - In Memoriam M.-H. Carpentier

Y. Blanchard and M. Leconte

Thursday 24th, October

Le Carré

08:30 - Session:Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (2)

Chair: Cyrille ENDERLI
Co-chair: Jacco DE WIT


Beyond Accuracy: Evaluating Model Reliability for Target Radar Image Classification Using SHAP – Elisa Giusti


Explaining SAR ATR Models Predictions with Counterfactual Explanations– Héloïse Remusati


Exploiting Sparsity in Automotive Radar Object Detection Networks – Marius Lippke


Experimental comparison of unsupervised methods for deinterleaving pulse trains – Jean Pinsolle


Training Deep Learning Models with Hybrid Data sets for Robust Automatic Target Detection on real SAR images – Benjamin Camus

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Session: Detection and estimation

Chair: Jean-Philippe OVARLEZ
Co-chair: Mike PICCIOLO


An Improved Total Least Squares-Based Monopulse Ratio Estimate Given Multiple Data-Snapshots from a Uniform Line Array – Kai-Bor Yu


Detection of Power Increasing Noise-Like Smart Jammers – Dario Benvenuti


Target Focused Estimation of the Stages in the Multistage Wiener Filter – Rachel Gray


CFAR Detection in Heterogeneous K-Distributed Sea-Clutter Background – Nagarakshith Reddy Mungara

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

13:40 - Session: Spectrum sharing

Chair: Mark DAVIS
Co-chair: Patrick McCORMICK


OFDM-DFRC Waveform Design Based on Mutual Information in Presence of Doppler – Nadia Bekkali


Experimental Demonstration of Multi-User Radar/Communications (MURC) – Cody A. Gish


Sparse Vector-Antenna Array Design for Dual-Functional Radar Communication – 
Xiangrong Wang


Target Range and Velocity Estimation for Joint Radar and Communications with Up and Down Chirps – Batu K. Chalise


Radar and Communications Source Separation via Sparse Time-Frequency Estimation – Patrick M McCormick

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

Salle 3&4

08:30 - Session: Advances in Radar Signal Processing (1)

Chair: Olivier RABASTE
Co-chair: Batu CHALISE


Symplectic Geometry in Radar: 2-Form of Maxwell Equations and Wigner/Woodward Ambiguity Function – Frédéric Barbaresco


Width Measurement by Partial Convolution of Radar Signals in Spectral Domain – Florian Hammer


Micro-Doppler Super-Resolution Using Iterative Adaptive Approach – Abdullah Akaydin


Experimental Demo of Range Disambiguation via Slow-time Coding & Reiterative Super-Resolution – Jennifer Quirk


Coherent Accumulation of Random Frequency and Pulse Repetition Interval Agile Radar – Beichen Fan

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Session: Advances in Radar imaging (processing)

Chair: Fulvio GINI
Co-chair: Luc VIGNAUD


Determination of Absolute Interferometric Phase in Circular InSAR Based on Demons Algorithm and Dual-angle Observation – Jianpeng Li


Enhanced Radar Imaging of Rotating Objects for Space Domain Awareness (SDA) – Faruk Uysal


THz ISAR Imaging of Space Target with Vibration Compensation – Zhian Yuan


A New wide-swath imaging and ground moving-target imaging scheme for MIMO-SAR based on azimuth phase coding – Yihao Xu

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

Co-chair: Stephan KRUSE


A Photonic Multiband Radar Transmitter Architecture with Tailored Nonlinear Transmission Line – Stephan Kruse




Quantum Computing for Partition Function Estimation of a Markov Random Field in a Radar Anomaly Detection Problem – Timothé Presles


Quality-of-Service Based Radar Resource Management for Concurrent SAR Imaging Modes – Jacco de Wit


Field-trial Demonstration of a Broadband Microwave Photonic TDM-MIMO Radar – Fangzheng Zhang

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

Salle 5&6

08:30 - Session: Advances in Radar imaging (systems)

Chair: Hélène ORIOT
Co-chair: Joan BROUSOLLE


120 GHz and 240 GHz Si-Ge FMCW radar for high resolution close range SAR imaging – Barnabé Carré


EPIK-SAR: Embedded radar Platform In Ku-band for SAR applications – Benjamin Coquillas




Hybrid SAR/ISAR imaging with VHR spaceborne data for inland waterways surveillance – Ilaria Nasso

10:10 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.

10:40 - Session: Automotive Radar

Chair: André BOURDOUX
Co-chair: Stefano TEBALDINI


Applying a Biprism in Radar Test Ranges for Angular Measurements – Markus Tafertshofer


Radar Spectra-Language Model for Automotive Scene Parsing – Kilian Rambach


Wavefield Networked Sensing for High-Resolution Distributed Automotive Microwave Imaging – Stefano Tebaldini


Improving Deep Learning Change Detection in Automotive Radar Maps by Data Augmentation – Harihara Bharathy Swaminathan


Bandwidth Spreading With Range Cell Migration in FMCW Automotive Radar – Adrien Grivey

12:20 - Lunch Break

Enjoy a lunch break and take the opportunity to explore the exhibition area while networking with other participants.

13:40 - Session: Advances in Radar signal processing (2)

Chair: Alfonso FARINA
Co-chair: Jonathan BOSSE


Vertex-oriented Metaheuristic for Radar Lobe Detection in Electronic Warfare Context – Louis Lesieur


Performance Analysis of a Joint Detection and Delay-Doppler Estimation Algorithm for MIMO Radars – Danilo Orlando


Generative Multi-View HRRP Recognition Based on Cascade Generation and Fusion Network – Liang Zhang


Standardization of Residuals for Detection of Unknown Target Classification of SAR images – Kyung-hwan Lee


Sub-Surface and Remote Sensing Stand Testing Using Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave Signals – Sergey V Mizrakhy

15:20 - Tea/Coffee Break

Take a short break to enjoy refreshments and connect with fellow attendees. Use this time to visit the exhibition area and engage in informal discussions.



RADAR SYSTEMS and APPLICATIONS (Chair : Christian COCHIN ; Co-chair: Thimothé ROUFFET)

15:40 - Special session: French agency for innovation and defence

15:40 – 17:00

Simulation of buried objects Radar Cross Section (RCS) using a Hybrid Finite Volume Method: Experimental validation through RCS measurements of a PEC sphere – Lisa-Marie Mazzolo

CRUSOE: A Low SWaP UWB Optoelectronic Radar Demonstrator – Souhail El Maqri Sid Ahmed

Pattern Synthesis Based on Numerical Optimization for Conformal Multi-source Antenna – Pierre-Etienne Portalier

Adaptive Multichannel Scanning Strategies for Electronic Support Using Multi-Armed Bandits – Vincent Teissier

Classification of Radar Pulses Modulation Laws via Convolutional Neural Networks – Alexia Tachet

High-Frequency Surface Wave Radars in the Mediterranean Sea: civil and environmental applications – Charles-Antoine Guérin

Hybrid CRB for Initial and Current States of Discrete-Time Markovian Dynamic Systems – Sara El Bouch

Iterative Physical Optics Model for Near Field Backscattering from Dielectric and Lossy Targets – Tom Malherbe

Platform for Direction of Arrival measurements considering complex scenario : Application to Radome Evaluation – Cédric Quendo

AMBRA project: cooperative multistatic radar for aerial target detection in urban areas – Stéphane Méric

SAR image simulation with ionospheric phase screen – Grégory Morel

The 3D-MAGIC project. Design and production of electromagnetic absorbers using 3D printing – Jean-Marc Heintz

15:40 - Applications

15:40 – 17:00

Reliable Traffic Monitoring Using Low-Cost Doppler Radar Units – Mishay Naidoo

Exploring Short-Term Bird Behavior in a Local Area Using Phased-Array Avian Radar – Jiangkun Gong

Passive Multistatic Localization with the Prior Receiving Beamwidth Constraint – Hongtao Su

Composite metasurface for surface wave radar enhancement – Gildas Briand

Single Snapshot Multi-angle Target 2D Reconstruction based on RANSAC and RAM – Chaoshen Xiao

ROXI: a small compact vertically-pointing X-band radar Doppler for atmospheric profiling – Nicolas Viltard

Detection of wheelchairs in indoor and public spaces using an LTE-based passive radar – Reid Stuart

Analysis and Simulation of Near Field Effects for Widely Separated Coherent FMCW Radar Networks – Oliver Arnold

15:40 - Radar systems and antenna

15:40 – 17:00

Segmentation and Classification of Solid Construction Waste with mmWave Imaging – Yang Li

A Magnetron with Two RF Energy Outputs for Advanced Radar Systems – Gennadiy I. Churyumov

Lightweight pod design for radar threat emitter simulation – Ludovic Le Borgne

Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Methods for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Recognition and Identification Using Micro-Doppler Signatures – Ala Agrebi

Adaptive Detectors for Moving Platform based Distributed Coherent Aperture Radar – Yuanhao Wang

ESTAR Multipath Angle Estimation for Sparse Array MIMO Radar – Ryuhei Takahashi

RIS-aided Positioning and Interference Cancellation with a single element Antenna receiver – Seyed Mohammad Karbasi

An L-band Bistatic Radar: Experimental System and Measurement Campaign – Oskar Jonsson

Covariance Estimation of Generalized Monopulse for Radar Tracking – Benjamin Gigleux

15:40 - Phenomenology

15:40 – 17:00

Filters Design that Mitigate Pulse Eclipsing Modulation of Pulse Agile Waveforms – Xiaojian Xu

OP-RBC-based STAP Method for Clutter Suppression in Bistatic End-fire Array Airborne Radar – Longwei Jiang

Long Distance Surface Wave Propagation Over Realistic Terrains – Christophe Guiffaut

Investigation on Micromotion Characteristics of Trimaran and Corner Reflector Based on the Motion of Six Degrees of Freedom – Jinxing Li

2D Spatial-Temporal Simulation of GPR Penetration in the 200-400MHz Band for Detecting Voids and Entrapped Persons in Multi-Layered Collapsed Building Structure – Jonghun Lee

18:15 - Gala Dinner DEPARTURE

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